Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who needs to bond with baby? Just stay connected via umbilical cord.

I have discovered a practice called "lotus births" and am kind of repulsed by it. Do you know what a lotus birth is? It's not a mainstream thing, and is apparently practised mostly in homebirths. Here's what I found about this practice.

According to Wikipedia, it is:
Lotus birth, or umbilical nonseverance, is the practice of leaving the umbilical cord attached to both the baby and the placenta following birth, without clamping or severing, and allowing the cord the time to detach from the baby naturally. In this way the baby, cord and placenta are treated as a single unit until detachment occurs
And according to website Lotus Fertility, this is why it's done:

Q: Why bother to question cord-cutting protocols? Why change family traditions?

A: Care providers and parents who have experienced Lotus Birth babies observe that they are demonstrably more relaxed and peaceful babies who do not manifest the common (and stressful to baby and mother) 1 lb. newborn weight loss and breastfeeding jaundice that is associated with the first week of life after "normal" birth's cord cutting, particularly cord cutting within an hour of birth. These observations have yet to be studied by university hospital pediatrics, though hospital lotus births have taken place in Australia. Needless to say, a beneficial impact on child and family development is what motivates the exploration of non-severance options.
Maybe it's just me, but the thought of leaving my baby attached by umbilical cord to the placenta until the cord dries and naturally breaks off, puts my gag reflex into action. The stench alone...! The drying and detaching would take days. So, where do you put the dangling placenta in the meantime? Just leave it waving out in the air? Snap it to the side of baby's onesie?

Would you ever consider a lotus birth?

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