Monday, February 15, 2010

The best Valentine's Day ever

This year, my husband bought me a bouquet of flowers, which was very nice. But what was even better? The single red rose that he bought for our 5-year-old daughter Lauren. He presented it to her while we were in Yaletown last night, taking in the Olympic festivities. She literally skipped and laughed the rest of the night. I'm not sure I've ever seen her so thrilled.

I think we will have to make this a new Valentine's Day tradition for her!

What did you do for Valentine's Day?


Erika said...

That is so sweet! I still remember when I was about 11 or so my Dad bought me a bottle of perfume I had been eyeing ... for no reason. I was thrilled. And in my early twenties he started to buy me Christmas presents; special ones just from him. He's not a particularly sentimental or gushy guy so it meant all the more. I still have every one and treasure them.

Lara said...
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Lara said...

So cute! Love the father/daughter relationship. It can be so special. Sometimes, my dad would take me to go see a double-feature of Chinese kung-fu movies. I couldn't understand much, but it didn't matter. Having my dad for 4 hrs all to myself was worth it!