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Thule Chariot CX2 2014
Bundled with Strolling Kit Chariot Bike Trailer
Mountain Buggy Evolution Terrain
Terrain Evolution Stroller
Baby Jogger City Select
Customizable Stroller
$569.99 + $199.99 for 2nd Seat Kit
Tips for Purchasing Your Stroller
1. What activities do you plan to use the stroller for? Consider what the main activities will be with the stroller when choosing the best model. Are you planning on using the stroller for mostly long walks and shopping or will it be use for jogging or trail walking?
2. What is the age of child? Strollers list their weight limits and seat back height. Will an infant and a toddler be using the stroller? Consider any future children to avoid having to spend more on a new stroller in a
couple of years.
3. Do you need a car seat adapter? Depending the make and model of your infant car seat certain strollers can accommodate different models. Check with the sales representative and car seat manual to make sure
your child’s car seat is stroller compatible.
4. Child Safety Rules: Babies incapable of holding their head up must have additional head and neck support to ride safely and comfortably. For jogging or off-road stroller use, children should be at least 6-8 months old. Please check your stroller manual for proper guidelines and safety instructions.
Stop by Active Baby and meet with a stroller expert for demonstrations on these
featured strollers as well as many others. Active Baby offers Free Stroller Tune-up events.
Check website for more details www.activebaby.ca and visit their new store location at
1985 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver.
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