Thursday, June 16, 2016

Having a Ball this Year with Timbits Soccer Program

To celebrate the love of the game, Tim Hortons launches new TIMBITS® Talks YouTube series featuring Toronto FC player, Jonathan Osorio.  The 2016 season is in full swing and this year, more than 200,000 kids will lace up their cleats and strap on their shin pads to participate in Timbits Soccer, a community-oriented program designed for kids aged four to nine to play house league soccer.

To celebrate the season and welcome this year’s Timbits Soccer players, Tim Hortons launched today a new YouTube video series called TIMBITS® Talks, featuring conversations between Timbits Minor Sports Program participants and professional athletes. The first video debuts today on Tim Hortons’ YouTube Channel,, and features Toronto-born, Toronto FC midfielder Jonathan Osorio with Timbits Soccer player Ben, sharing their passion for soccer.

“I started playing soccer when I was three years old in my home town of Toronto,” says Jonathan Osorio, Midfielder, Toronto FC. “My favourite thing about playing minor soccer was having orange slices at halftime, and the most important lesson I learned on the field was to always have fun. There’s no doubt that playing soccer at a young age helped fuel my passion and helped lead me to become a professional. My advice to kids who are playing today is to practice hard every day, and enjoy every minute of playing the game we love.”

Tim Hortons is a proud supporter of youth soccer in Canada. Since 2007, more than 1.9 million children have participated in the Timbits Soccer program, and in 2016 alone, Timbits Soccer will provide more than 2.8 million hours of extracurricular activity. Programs like Timbits Soccer help to ensure soccer is alive and kicking in communities across the country, so that kids can continue to benefit from the physical skills the game develops and the positive social interactions it encourages.

Every Timbits Soccer player receives a jersey, socks, and soccer ball and participant medal. For more information about the Timbits Minor Sports Programs, visit or contact your local Soccer Club.

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